The Healthy Home Authority

Chem-Dry Carpet Cleaning

Get in touch with your nearest Chem-Dry now by calling

1800 243 637

We clean more than just carpet

Whether it's for your home or office Chem-Dry has you covered

Carpet Cleaning

Upholstery Cleaning

Area Rug Cleaning

Specialty Stain Removal

Tile & Grout Cleaning

Commercial Services

Pet Urine Removal Treatment

Granite Countertop Renewal

Mould Removal

Water Damage Restoration

Leather Cleaning/Restoration

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Home Sanitisation Services

The Natural Way to Cleaner Carpets

Chem-Dry was founded on the belief there is a better way to perform upholstery and carpet cleaning. 40 Years later, we have become the largest and most trustworthy carpet cleaning company in Australia thanks to our top of the line technology and dedication to our craft. Discover the benefits of a cleaning service that cleans deeper, dries faster, and provides greater health benefits over industry standards.

Powerful Deep Cleaning

We clean deeper and keep carpets, rugs or upholstery cleaner for longer. Dirt, grime, and allergens are no match for Chem-Dry’s unique cleaning technology.

Safe & Non-Toxic

Chem-Dry is 100% pet and family friendly. We use only safe, green-certified cleaning solutions which use millions of tiny carbonated bubbles instead of harsh chemicals or detergents.

Faster Drying Times

Did you know too much water can promote mould, mildew and bacteria growth in carpets? Our process uses far less water which is not only healthier but dries in 1-2 hours instead of 1-2 days.

Services You Can Trust

Chem-Dry technicians arrive at your door in a marked vehicle, wearing a clean uniform, and with a friendly face. Each technician is highly trained and certified to deliver a wow level of clean.

Chem-Dry Carpet Cleaning

Chem-Dry vs Steam Cleaning

Our Innovative Cleaning Process is a Break from Traditional Steam Cleaning

3 Tips for a Healthier Home

Learn about both our process and easy tips for a healthier home

Clean Like a Professional

Our Cleaning products have the same technology used with our professional cleaning services.

Nothing is More Important to Us
Than Leaving You with a Healthy Home

Eco-Friendly Cleaning Solutions

We use a 100% non-toxic carpet cleaning solution that is powerful yet safe for children and pets. This green cleaner is patented and is called The Natural® because it uses ingredients from mother nature.

Allergy Relief and Bacteria Removal

These natural ingredients combined with carbonating bubbles remove an amazing 98% of allergens from carpets and upholstery along with 89% of airborne bacteria improving the quality of the air we breathe.

Less Water, Less Mould, and Mildew

Want to avoid mould, and mildew with faster drying times? Our cleaning process leaves behind less moisture than steam cleaning for a healthier home and dries in 1-2 hours compared to 1-2 days.

Did you know?

  • We spend an average of 90% of our lives indoors
  • Up to 30% of adults and 40% of children suffer from allergies
  • Over 55% of homes with pets were found to have high enough levels of dander to trigger allergies
  • There are 6 or more allergens present in the average home

Tested and Proven

Listen to What Our Customers Have to Say About Chem-Dry